'omni-directional_wave_power' function
Opened this issue · 1 comments
I am trying to use the "omni-directional_wave_power" function however during the MHKiT it did not install all the required functions. I am missing the "omni-directional_wave_power" function in the mhkit\wave\resource path . I am interested in pulling the wave power from the 3-hour data set with the Hindcast data. I am wondering if I can copy and paste the function into the destination folder. How can I gain access to that specific folder?
Hi Luke,
Thank you for reporting this!
Please see issue #142. It seems like you have the correct function, but it is failing to convert omni-directional_wave_power
into a struct fieldname. This is a relatively simple fix so hopefully we will be able to have a solution in the next day or two. Feel free to add any additional information.