
Group 11 and Group 12 Project Reviewing

MajorPrestige opened this issue · 3 comments

Answer the following questions:

Repository Organization

  • Does the main README provide a clear overview of the project’s background and objectives?
  • Does the main README tell a clear and coherent story about the research project including motivations, challenges, doubts and ideas for further research?
  • Is the main README overwhelmingly long and detailed?
  • Does the main README help you navigate the repository?
  • Is it easy to find what your way around their repository by reading the names of folders and files?
  • Does every folder have a README describing what the folder is used for and what files/folders you will find in there?
  • Does it appear as though they have used their repository to collaborate and develop their work, not simply to publish their finished deliverables?
    Collaboration Documents
  • Are all of the collaboration documents complete and written in well-formatted markdown?
  • If you were to join this team, how helpful would these documents be for your onboarding?
  • Do you see an alignment between the group’s learning objectives and the activity in the repository?
  • Has the group clearly identified their constraints, and do these constraints align with the work you see in the rest of the repository?
  • When you look through the repository, issues, pull requests and project board, does it appear as though the group follows their own norms?

Domain, Problem Statement and Research Question(s)

  • Can you find a clear problem statement that positions their work in an existing domain?
  • Is it apparent that the problem statement comes from their personal experience, or another personal motivation/interest?
  • Is there evidence that the group has done background research in their problem domain?
  • Is there evidence of deeper analysis into the problem and its domain? This could involve systems thinking.
  • Are the research questions clearly grounded in the domain and problem statement?
  • If there is more than one research question, are they closely related? Or do they point in all different directions?
  • Are the research questions specific and actionable - would you be able to tell if you found an answer to the question? and can you imagine how you might start searching for an answer?
  • Do the retrospectives help you understand the process, decisions, mistakes, and dynamics behind what is in the repository?
  • Does the retrospective focus on behaviors, not individuals?
  • Do the retrospectives provide clear and actionable steps the group can take to improve in the future?
  • Do the retrospectives contain specific behaviors the group wants to stop doing in the future?
  • Can you see evidence in the repository the the group actually applied these changes in their work?
    Data Sets
  • Are the data sets clearly documented in a markdown file?
  • Does the non-technical data documentation show an understanding of how the data was collected, and what biases or other problems may exist in the data?
  • Does the group discuss which data they were looking for but could not find?
  • Is there a discussion of which data modeling choices the group made and why? Including pros and cons for the selected approach?
  • Does the non-technical data documentation help you understand why this data is helpful for their project, how they decided these variables are important for modeling their problem?
  • Does the technical data documentation help you understand the rows, columns and types?
  • Does the technical documentation explain how the group cleaned, reshaped, merged and otherwise modified their data sets to create their final data model?
    Data Analysis
  • Are the scripts/notebooks documented in a markdown file explaining the purpose of each script/notebook and why it’s important for the project?
  • Is there a discussion of which data analysis choices the group made and why? Including pros and cons for the selected approach?
  • Do the scripts/notebooks run without error? (after installing dependencies)
  • Are the scripts/notebooks clearly written so it’s possible to read through them and understand what they are doing? (not necessarily every detail, the big ideas are enough)
  • Can you find a markdown file with a non-technical explanation of the analysis results in a markdown file that explains what they learned so far? Does it include sources of uncertainty, doubt and suggestions of further research?

Hello. When we can look for some results of this task?

Also do not forget to also overview our project with same script as in mentioned in script file

And try to be specific instead of providing Yes or No answers