data recording improvements and "active"/"inactive" status
sstoneb opened this issue · 1 comments
sstoneb commented
- When starting to record data, after choosing the format, an option to select the location of the data files would be helpful. Or at the very least, a statement of where the file will be placed.
- While data is being recorded, some clear indicator that the recording is taking place needs to be prominent. Perhaps something right under the Active/Inactive statement on the sidebar.
- Changing the Active/Inactive statement to something like Busy/Ready might be helpful too. I would naively consider recording data to be "active" even though the SRT can respond immediately to commands while recording. (The things I've noticed that count as "Active" are moving the telescope and running the calibration routine.) If it's customary in radio to use the Active/Inactive names, though, then we should stick with them--just need to make sure novice users understand what they mean and don't mean.
AlexKurek commented
@sstoneb I have added something like what you ask for in 2. here: AlexKurek@c7a76c5