
NppEventExec always opens NppExec console

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Is it possible to not have the NppExec console open when using NppEventExec events?

I'm detecting the file open of different media types, e.g. .jpg or .pdf, and converting that into an insert of the full filepath instead. The code is working fine, but I have to use an extra wrapper script between NppEventExec and the main script to turn off the NppExec Console with the npp_console local off command.

I understand NppEventExec must post messages to NppExec to "get the ball rolling", but does this require the opening of the console or is that an unfortunate side-effect of the message passing mechanism?

I'm using Win7 Pro 64 bit, Npp 8.14 32 bit & NppExec 0.71. I also observed the same console always opening behavior when rolling back to NppExec 0.62.

Thank you.