
Advanced C64 Compatibility Settings

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  • Create a "Advanced Compatibilty Settings" submenu
  • Move "CIA: Use 8521 (C64C)" to it
  • Add settings for the VIC-II as tagged with @TODO sy2002 in fpga_sid_iec.vhd, particularly 656x/NMOS, 856x/HMOS, early 856x/old HMOS (MiSTer MiSTer-devel/C64_MiSTer#160 (comment))
  • Sift through MiSTer's advanced config settings and offer settings if applicable
  • Find out if MiST is doing something with the mode6572 and mode6567old setting of the VIC-II
  • SID?
  • CIA?
  • PLA?
  • Cassette port: disconnected by default? cassette emulation? real time clock? (see also #133)
  • <other advanced settings?>