
Hello ruit and ur pretty cat

BombHacker opened this issue · 11 comments

Could i get contact to your cat or he is gonna send request to me Bomb Hacker#3087.
My youtube https://youtube.com/c/BombHacker1. Yes thats my mods.

MJx0 commented

My cat has telegram only

Ruit heres my telegram bro


Ok so im gonna dm your cat in telegram

Ok if u can gimme ur cat telegram, u can email bomba hackier. Email: bombhacker70@gmail.com.

Bomb what if your email gets sniped by bots

Exactly thats what im doing im risking my life just to contact ruit cat.

I am from polarmods btw 🐈

MJx0 commented


Busman ur late

Okay then i hope ur going to add me https://t.me/BombHacker123