
Id: framework not found CydiaSubstrate

Closed this issue · 7 comments

When I try to add my own game, I get this error when compiling the project

I fix this, use git clone, but now i get this error:

Id: framework not found CydiaSubstrate

Compiling from WSL Theos

if i compiling from iOS, i get this error:

Id: framework not found Network

MJx0 commented

Make sure your theos installation and the iOS SDKs are up to date

I have newest theos version and 14.5 iOS SDK, what version of SDK you use?

My version are last for normal building, if i try 15.6 or 16.5 i get very much errors

MJx0 commented

I tried 13.7~16.5 sdks and all worked.
Here you can see Network framework and others

Check if your installed SDK has these frameworks.
What errors do you get with 16.5?
All I can guess is that something wrong your theos installation

for fix error Id: framework not found CydiaSubstrate you need:

Go to $THEOS/vendor/lib copy CydiaSubstrate.framework go to your $THEOS/sdks/YourSDK/System/Library/Frameworks and paste it here

After it you get this error:
Undefined Symbols for architecture arm64 isOSversionAtleast or isPlatformversionAtLeast SSL startTLS for fix it you need:

Adding the following to the TOP of Project/Tweak/includes/GCDAsyncSocket/GCDAsyncSocket.m

int __isOSVersionAtLeast or __ isPlatformversionAtLeast(int major, int minor, int patch) { NSOperatingSystemVersion version; version.majorVersion = major; version.minorVersion = minor; version.patchVersion = patch; return [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion:version]; }

Thanks https://github.com/saudgl for fix second error