
Adapter stürtzt bei "oft" Aufruf ab und wird dann disabled.

maniac-on-moon opened this issue · 1 comments


iobroker 5.3.8
Plattform linux
Betriebssystem linux
Architektur arm
CPUs 4
Geschwindigkeit 1500 MHz
Modell ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l)
RAM 7.71 GB
Node.js v14.20.0 (Empfohlene Version v16.17.0)
NPM 6.14.17
Aktive Instanzen 14

go-e: 1.0.23

Wirft nach ein "paar" erfolgreichen Durchläufen, wenn ich im blockly
"" "steuere" eine Exception und stribt.

2022-08-21 10:15:47.150 - warn: go-e.0 (7660) Sentry enabled. You can switch it off in settings of the adapter.

2022-08-21 10:16:24.382 - info: javascript.0 (20314) script.js.Prd.VBS-PV-UeLadung: Laden START, min A: 6
2022-08-21 10:17:34.388 - info: javascript.0 (20314) script.js.Prd.VBS-PV-UeLadung: AMX=6
2022-08-21 10:18:09.388 - info: javascript.0 (20314) script.js.Prd.VBS-PV-UeLadung: AMX=6
2022-08-21 10:18:44.389 - info: javascript.0 (20314) script.js.Prd.VBS-PV-UeLadung: AMX=6
2022-08-21 10:19:19.390 - info: javascript.0 (20314) script.js.Prd.VBS-PV-UeLadung: AMX=6
2022-08-21 10:19:54.390 - info: javascript.0 (20314) script.js.Prd.VBS-PV-UeLadung: AMX=6
2022-08-21 10:20:29.390 - info: javascript.0 (20314) script.js.Prd.VBS-PV-UeLadung: AMX=6
2022-08-21 10:21:04.392 - info: javascript.0 (20314) script.js.Prd.VBS-PV-UeLadung: AMX=6
2022-08-21 10:21:39.392 - info: javascript.0 (20314) script.js.Prd.VBS-PV-UeLadung: DeltaW=1002.52
2022-08-21 10:21:39.416 - error: go-e.0 (7660) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch().
2022-08-21 10:21:39.417 - error: go-e.0 (7660) unhandled promise rejection: Cannot read property 'finish' of undefined
2022-08-21 10:21:39.418 - error: go-e.0 (7660) TypeError: Cannot read property 'finish' of undefined
at GoE.adjustAmpLevelInWatts (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.go-e/main.js:793:25)
2022-08-21 10:21:39.419 - error: go-e.0 (7660) Cannot read property 'finish' of undefined
2022-08-21 10:21:39.440 - warn: go-e.0 (7660) Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason
2022-08-21 10:21:39.961 - warn: go-e.0 (7660) get state error: Connection is closed.
2022-08-21 10:21:39.968 - warn: go-e.0 (7660) Could not perform strict object check of state go-e.0.temperatures.tempereature3: DB closed
2022-08-21 10:21:39.969 - warn: go-e.0 (7660) get state error: Connection is closed.
2022-08-21 10:21:39.972 - warn: go-e.0 (7660) Cloud not store temperature array to single values, because of error DB closed
2022-08-21 10:21:39.980 - warn: go-e.0 (7660) Could not perform strict object check of state go-e.0.adapter_in: DB closed
2022-08-21 10:21:39.981 - warn: go-e.0 (7660) get state error: Connection is closed.
2022-08-21 10:21:40.106 - error: host.iot Caught by controller[0]: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason:
2022-08-21 10:21:40.107 - error: host.iot Caught by controller[1]: TypeError: Cannot read property 'finish' of undefined
2022-08-21 10:21:40.108 - error: host.iot Caught by controller[1]: at GoE.adjustAmpLevelInWatts (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.go-e/main.js:793:25)
2022-08-21 10:21:40.108 - error: host.iot instance system.adapter.go-e.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION)
2022-08-21 10:21:40.109 - info: host.iot Restart adapter system.adapter.go-e.0 because enabled

Der Fehler tritt schon länger auf (3 Monate), der Blockly Code hat mal funktioniert.

Welche Infos werden noch gebraucht? Was kann ich sammeln?

Danke und Beste Grüße

Is already fixed in Version 1.0.25