
problem on execute command M303 E-1 S60 C8

demonbd opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi , on execute command M303 E-1 S60 C8 , dont' heat yhe bed but the tool E0.

use Last firmware

E0 is extruder!! You want to do the pid on an extruder ?? You'll want to do it on a hotend or on the bed and those are heaters so the command is H-1 not E-1

the command it's foun on repram wiki
In the case of multiple extruders (E0, E1, E2) these PID values are shared between the extruders, although the extruders may be controlled separately. If the EEPROM is enabled, save with M500. If it is not enabled, save these settings in Configuration.h.

For the bed, use:

Bed: M303 E-1 S60 C8

Ok, but with this firmware the command is M303 H and not E
PID relay autotune: H[heaters] H = 0-3 Hotend, H = -1 BED, H = -2 CHAMBER, H = -3 COOLER, S sets the target temperature (default target temperature = 200C), C, R, U, R 0 = Classic Pid, 1 = Some overshoot, 2 = No Overshoot, 3 = Pessen Pid.

Thank's a lot