
brainstorming mvp

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Project Name: ???

Must haves:

  • Be able to see all connections on the website
    • Filter by region/geography, recently added, ?
    • Grouping connections by company
    • Will be grouped into ‘contact books’
  • Be able to add a connection
    • Name of connection
    • email /contact info
    • Notes on connection
  • Be able to update an existing connection
    • An edit button
  • Be able to save connections with your profile
  • Type in a command in the CLI and have it take you to the page on the website that does that

Add your notes directly into the command line and it will send a http request and save it
See all of your connections inside of the command line
Update someone’s information right inside of the command line

Frontend: React, react-simple-maps
Backend: Flask, Jinja
Database: SQLite
CLI: Typer