BentoML/Keras `AttributeError: 'Functional' object has no attribute '_make_predict_function'`
Opened this issue · 2 comments
ShayanRiyaz commented
When I try to run this code:
import tensorflow as tf
from bentoml import BentoService, api, artifacts
from bentoml.adapters import ImageInput
from bentoml.frameworks.keras import KerasModelArtifact
from typing import List
import numpy as np
def vgg_layers(layer_names):
vgg = tf.keras.applications.VGG19(include_top = False,weights = 'imagenet')
vgg.trainable = False
tf_outs = [vgg.get_layer(layer).output for layer in layer_names]
model = tf.keras.Model([vgg.input],tf_outs)
return model
# Most Commonly used layers for Neural Style Transfer
content_layers = ['block5_conv2']
style_layers = ['block1_conv1','block2_conv1','block3_conv1','block4_conv1','block5_conv1']
vgg = vgg_layers(content_layers+style_layers)
class MyService(bentoml.BentoService):
@bentoml.api(input=ImageInput(), batch=False)
return img
svc = KerasModelService()
svc.pack('vgg', vgg)
I'm getting the error:
WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/shayanriyaz/anaconda3/envs/bentodeploy/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bentoml/frameworks/ The name tf.keras.backend.get_session is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.keras.backend.get_session instead.
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-36-d563d8785485> in <module>
----> 1 svc.pack('vgg', vgg)
~/anaconda3/envs/bentodeploy/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bentoml/service/ in pack(self, name, *args, **kwargs)
687 :return: this BentoService instance
688 """
--> 689 self.artifacts.get(name).pack(*args, **kwargs)
690 return self
~/anaconda3/envs/bentodeploy/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bentoml/service/artifacts/ in wrapped_pack(*args, **kwargs)
106 "behaviors"
107 )
--> 108 ret = original(*args, **kwargs)
109 # do not set `self._pack` if `pack` has failed with an exception raised
110 self._packed = True
~/anaconda3/envs/bentodeploy/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bentoml/frameworks/ in pack(self, data)
175 self.bind_keras_backend_session()
--> 176 model._make_predict_function()
178 self._model = model
AttributeError: 'Functional' object has no attribute '_make_predict_function'
I haven't found useful documentation in the BentoML docs or the Kears docs. I think the issue has to do with the Keras backend and the fact that _make_predict_function
is a part of the v1 library
yy823 commented
Changing the "_make_predict_function()" to "make_predict_function()" may help.
erdivyang10 commented
Yes @yy823
I was also facing the same issue and your solution works like a charm
Changing the "_make_predict_function()" to "make_predict_function()" working perfectly.