
Initialize all repo app folders + files

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File structure is as follows:

Random Users App

Root Directory

  • random-users-app/
    • Markdown file containing information about the project
    • index.html: Vite MDN build HTML file that is regenerated with each build
    • assets: Directory generated from the npm build for GitHub Pages deployment
    • app/
      • node_modules: Hidden in the remote repo by the .gitignore file
      • src/
        • assets/
          • style.css: CSS file for styling the application
          • svg/
            • html.svg: SVG icon file
            • css.svg: SVG icon file
            • javascript.svg: SVG icon file
            • vite.svg: SVG icon file
        • components/: Directory containing individual JavaScript files for UI components
          • home.js: JavaScript file for the home component
          • about.js: JavaScript file for the about page component
          • User-Profile.js: JavaScript file for the user profile component
        • api.js: JavaScript file for handling API interactions, data fetching, etc
        • main.js: Main JavaScript file responsible for initializing the application, integrating components, and setting up event listeners
      • .gitignore: File specifying which files and directories should be ignored by Git
      • index.html: Main HTML file serving as the entry point of the application
      • package-lock.json: Configuration file for npm packages and project metadata
      • package.json: Configuration file for npm packages and project metadata
      • vite.config.js: Configuration file for Vite (if using Vite as the build tool)