
An open-source link shortener using Laravel and Livewire

Primary LanguagePHP


L1nc is a link shortener build with Laravel and Livewire.

Demo: l1nc.com

the name L1nc is choosed beacuse it seems a simillar to world "link" in mind (my opinion) but you are free to pronounce that anyway you want. 🔥🔥


Installation is similar to any common Laravel project:

installing dependencies:

1- install composer packages:

composer install

2- build Javascript (NPM) packages:

npm install && npm run build


in order to store links, users and details of each link redirection, you need a database. you can use any database which Laravel supports by default.

if you prefer MySql:

add your database details in .env file:


if you prefer sqlite:

first create a sqlite file:

touch db.sqlite

use pwd command to find location you created the sqlite file. for example: /home/mahdi/Projects/l1nc/db.sqlite

add path instead of DB_DATABASE value:


run migrations:

in order to create databse tables run migrations:

php artisan migrate

run the project:

php artisan serve

now project should be run on port 8000 by default: or localhost:8000


  • custom domain
  • custom short links
  • view count
  • chart of views in past 30 days
  • multi-tenant (you can create multiple teams or organizations)
  • user invitations

Custom Domain

L1nc built with ability to add any custom-domain that you want. so each link can be related to a Domain in database or it would be under main domain. the main domain uses Laravel APP_URL in .env. so make sure you set the APP_URL to your site URL.

also there is a simple verification method for each domain. it generates a random token when you click on verification and if domain works currect and it went back to Laravel router and the token is matched then the domain is verified. but if you want to automate this process you should have ability to create SSL certificates automaticaly. for example using cerbot or other tools. this process is up to you .


L1nc is a simple designed link shortner and if you are familiar with Laravel and Livewire you can simply customize project for yourself.


  • add expire time feature to links
  • edit link details
  • using website og and details in previews
  • ability to add custom og
  • payment with stripe




Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.