

The solution contains 5 parts:

  • Fascade - the first layer of an application from a client POV receives all requests from the front-end (TS + Angular) and passes them further,
  • Notifications - Standalone service that collects all the data that he received via the Notifications channel, parse it, and pass it as a push message,
  • Topic - service which is responsible for collecting data from Fascade, save it to MongoDB and pass notification to a Notification service,
  • Storage - MongoDB instance which runs in a docker container,
  • Front-end - front-end part of an application that is located in the Fascade project.


A user could create a topic for a retrospective. When the submit button would be hit, the request should go to Fascade. Fascade maps it from DTO to a Topic.Contract class and passes it to Topic service via Ably channel.

Topic service listens to all or Topic.update messages and handles them. If handling result in success it passes a notification message to a Notification service via the Notification.notify channel.

Notification receives all messages via the Notifications.notify channel, handles them, and passes them to all "clients" via the Notifications.push channel. Front-end application listens to Notifications.push messages on the Home screen and pushes received data to the table visible for a user.

In the activity tab user could see all messages that comms via Notifications channel as a "feed". History for Notifications channel should be enabled on


Is done via 2 channels with 2 message types:

  • Channel: Topic, MessageType: save. Fascade -> Topic,
  • Channel: Topic, MessageType: update. Fascade -> Topic,
  • Channel: Notifications, MessageType: notify. Topic -> Notification,
  • Channel: Notifications, MessageType: push. Notifications -> Fascade (Front-end),

How to run

  • docker compose up,
  • or run separate services in JetBrains Rider/VS Studio/VS Code or via docker run,
  • fill Ably.ApiKey in appsettings.json files with your ApiKey (mind that Ably is used in every microservice, so you need to update 3x AppSettings files).

Additional things

  • Health checks UI should be available at: http://localhost:{serviceport}/ui-health,
  • Health checks UI API should be available at: http://localhost:{serviceport}/ui-API-health,
  • Health checks should be available at: http://localhost:{serviceport}/health,
  • Healthcheck for Ably is located in the Utils folder and it checks if we could connect to a channel (it is added to Notification and Topic services).

Missing things

  • ?