installation instructions in readme are wrong
alexandresaiz opened this issue · 8 comments
we are stating:
== Installation ==
In order to use this plugin you need to be registered in MONEI
- go to MONEI Dashboard
- select your sub account
- go to Ecommerce Guides -> WooCommerce and follow the instructions there
@joseconti is this the flow a normal user would follow?
Maybe the correct workflow is:
== Installation ==
- Go to wp-admin > Plugins
- Click Add new
- Search for MONEI
- Press Install
- Press Activate now
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > MONEI
- Add your Account ID & Password.
If you don't have you Account ID & Password
- go to MONEI Dashboard
- select your sub account
- go to Ecommerce Guides -> WooCommerce and follow the instructions there
@joseconti update it and when live, ping so we can go over there and when "touching" your new approach apply the fixes if needed. thanks!
@joseconti thanks!
small things here:
typo: YOU (should be YOUR)
this is not right:
Select your sub account
Go to Ecommerce Guides -> WooCommerce and follow the instructions there
do you need a demo account?
@alexandresaiz Yes, it would be a good idea to have a demo account. That way I would be able to see the whole process (especially in case someone asks me).
What is wrong with:
Select your sub account
Go to Ecommerce Guides -> WooCommerce and follow the instructions there
I just delete it?
@joseconti sign up for a account do the onboarding (add white pdfs) as requested documents and we'll validate your account internally so you have full access to the whole platform.
@joseconti once you have the account you'll be able to "write" or update the installation instructions.
Ok @alexandresaiz Done.
Thank you