Overflow when Compiling MPAS-O

Opened this issue · 4 comments


First of all, sorry if this is not the right place for posting this kind of issue, but I've seen other similar posts and also the web forum I found seems to be concerned only about the Atmosphere core.

I adapted duda's script for installing the libraries required by the model and (it seems) successfully compiled init_atmosphere and atmosphere cores. However, when I try to compile the Ocean core I get this message:


         gradDensityEdge(k, iEdge) = huge(0D0)

Error: Arithmetic overflow converting REAL(8) to REAL(4) at (1). This check can be disabled with the option '-fno-range-check'

         gradDensityTopOfEdge(k, iEdge) = huge(0D0)

Error: Arithmetic overflow converting REAL(8) to REAL(4) at (1). This check can be disabled with the option '-fno-range-check'

         dDensityDzTopOfEdge(k, iEdge) = huge(0D0)

Error: Arithmetic overflow converting REAL(8) to REAL(4) at (1). This check can be disabled with the option '-fno-range-check'

         gradZMidEdge(k, iEdge) = huge(0D0)

Error: Arithmetic overflow converting REAL(8) to REAL(4) at (1). This check can be disabled with the option '-fno-range-check'

         gradZMidTopOfEdge(k, iEdge) = huge(0D0)

Error: Arithmetic overflow converting REAL(8) to REAL(4) at (1). This check can be disabled with the option '-fno-range-check'

         dDensityDzTopOfCell(k,  iCell) = huge(0D0)

Error: Arithmetic overflow converting REAL(8) to REAL(4) at (1). This check can be disabled with the option '-fno-range-check'
Makefile:201: recipe for target 'mpas_ocn_gm.o' failed

I am using MPICH version 3.3.1, so I set the CC and FC compilers to mpifort and mpicc.

Any suggestions?


xylar commented

@daniloceano, we don't really build or test the ocean model at single precision so it looks like there are places where we're not handling single precision correctly. Unless you have a reason to want to run with single precision, I'd change your build to double.

@xylar thank you very much. It worked!

Yeah, a more robust way would be to declare a local garbage variable with RKIND that we set to a constant and use that as the argument to HUGE.

Pardon the drive-by comment, but I don't think you need a local garbage variable.
You could use HUGE(0.0_RKIND).