
Build and Deploy a Google Maps Travel Companion Application _ React.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Name

Google Maps Travel Companion WIth React

This is Api Based Travel App

Table of contents

About the website

This API helps to query realtime Flights prices, Hotels booking, Restaurants, Attracting locations, etc… to create a travelling site like tripadvisor.com


Yes! This template is hosted on live.

Link One : https://travel-advisor-c5f95.web.app/


Technology Used

This project uses:

  • Html
  • Css
  • Javascript
  • React
  • RapidAPI

Running the project

You can: a. clone the project and compile it yourself (Most up to date)


App Screenshot App Screenshot


I would/ We'd love to have your help in making {this app (replace with name of your project)} better. The project is still very incomplete, but if there's an issue you'd like to see addressed sooner rather than later, let me(/us) know.



  • Version 1.0

Contact Information

If you have found any bugs, or have any feedback or questions and or want to post a feature request please use the Issuetracker to report them.
