This module is used to report phishing URLs to their WHOIS/RDAP abuse contact information.
- Anderath
- benjimonsAuckland, New Zealand
- crunte
- dd4495
- dguidoTrail of Bits
- dotVN
- Dustbrew
- echostorm
- elhoimMy own!
- fMichaleczek@lexpek
- furmelade
- GelobRed Hat
- gigaturtle
- gymzombie
- hjorslevDenmark
- insecuritea
- KurtDeGreeffBeatit
- mallwarePoltio Inc.
- mattwaabRaleigh, NC
- micwallaceWallaceIT
- MineshK
- MrAliFu
- mrpnkt
- nsdown
- pastrylife
- prdwyer
- psteichen
- r2dTooSoon
- rmusser01Someplace
- Scarthan
- scrathe
- si1kTuik Security Group
- southernmissAP
- sprBC
- Sw1tchWolf
- wikijmFrance