
NLP umbrella issue

Opened this issue · 0 comments

*Due to unfamiliarity with specific problems in the NLP aspect of this project, this issue is used as a discussion forum/overall direction indicator.


Create a directory in root to store files that you work with. Even if it's something like a jupyter notebook, upload it anyway so that everyone else has access to it.

Speculation on different linguistic areas of the problem follows:

['I', 'go', 'school'] --> "I'm going to school."
This seems to be the simplest case as it is most similar to vernacular English and just needs to be conjugated and helping verbs added. Present tense is assumed in absence of other temporal indicators.

['Yesterday', 'I', 'go', 'school'] --> "I went to school yesterday." / "Yesterday, I went to school"
This seems more complex as it combines the above and needs to take into account temporal indicators. Luckily, temporal indicators are always signed first (*citation needed) in ASL.

More complexity follows, but these seem a good place to start. Use this issue as a discussion/progress-check forum and don't forget to frequently commit/push.

‼️Create PRs to merge functional code into the main repo. Only functioning code should be merged, but you should always push your latest developments to your own repo so that everyone else can view them and contribute.