
Changes in API of matplotlib 3.5

CedricPatzer opened this issue · 0 comments

from import MT 

edi_file = "test.edi"
mt_obj = MT(edi_file)
pt_obj = mt_obj.plot_mt_response(plot_num=1,plot_pt='n',plot_tipper='n')

Gives error: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'nonposx' due to:
self.axp.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip')

The reason is due to changes in the Matplotlib API

semilogx, semilogy, loglog, LogScale, and SymmetricalLogScale used to take keyword arguments that depends on the axis orientation ("basex" vs "basey", "subsx" vs "subsy", "nonposx" vs "nonposy"); these parameter names have been removed in favor of "base", "subs", "nonpositive". This removal also affects e.g. ax.set_yscale("log", basey=...) which must now be spelled ax.set_yscale("log", base=...).

The change from "nonpos" to "nonpositive" also affects LogTransform, InvertedLogTransform, SymmetricalLogTransform, etc.

There may be more issues further down the road