How can I get mwa job information
Closed this issue · 1 comments
xueqixuan commented
I am doing a scheduling research and I need the mwa job data as the testing set
So in order to get the data, can I use the given example as:
obs_id=1110103576, job_type=d, download_type=vis
obs_id=1110105120, job_type=d, download_type=vis_meta
and run the to get the data I need? Or are there other ways
gsleap commented
The above csv file example will download the raw visibilities for obsid 1110103576 and for 1110105120 it will download just the metafits file (containing metadata only). If this is not what you are after Can you please send an email to asvo_support at and provide more details on what type of data you are after. Thanks!