
mwa_client doesn't accept 0 as a valid choice for edgewidth

johnsmorgan opened this issue · 3 comments

0 is a valid choice for edge flagging and should be treated as such (even if it should not be the default)

We submitted a job with "0" edgewidth, but we are getting the following errors:

manta-ray-client version 1.0.0
Connecting to MWA ASVO (
Connected to MWA ASVO
Error submitting job #1 from csvfile. Details below:
{"error_code": 0, "error": "Edge Width: Expected > 0"}

We have conducted observations to search for HI 21 cm line in absorption (project D0027). We will lose the line data if we flag 80 kHz channels in each coarse channel of 1.28 MHz, in the 30.7 MHz band. So, we like to opt for "0" kHz edge channel.

We request you to look into this issue.

We will be fixing this in an upcoming release scheduled for early-mid July 2020.

This was fixed in a recent release, closing