
hello , no issue , just a sugestion to check if it's possible

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hey , is it possible , to add an option for the medic bot , to check the status of the player first, and if the player had died of bullet wounds , then not revive him ?

Thanks for the attention !

i'm on that, but i have some delay now but it is coming soon ;)

i have this error

did you just spawn in witout a saved character?cause it checks if you have money, and if your character is not saved or dont have a money table in your database or have no tables at all, it will not work.

did you just spawn in witout a saved character?cause it checks if you have money, and if your character is not saved or dont have a money table in your database or have no tables at all, it will not work.

okey i will try back

it work .. this script can do auto revive.. when player dead auto revive. i mean no medic in game auto revive player dead