
Automatic Start at Login not working

Micha125 opened this issue Β· 10 comments

Hey there,

just installed MacGesture and recognized that the program is not opening automatically at startup. I already enabled this in the Preferences - General section. But whenever I restart my computer, I have to open the app manually and the setting is not enabled anymore.

How can I fix this?

I am using MacOS Monterey 12.0.1 on a Mac Mini M1 and version 3.0.0 of MacGesture.

Best Regards, Michael

Hi Michael,

It is working in macOS Big Sur here, and I will test on macOS Monterey later.

Hey jiegec,

thanks very much! Could you already test it?

I'll try on my M1 Mac mini πŸ€” Apple may have changed the way services do register to run on startup (more precisely, deprecate the previously used method in favour of a newer service type). Good point is I'll have to try booting both OSes as it might get more complicated between those updates as well as there are OS-level differences between Intel and Apple Silicon platforms as well.

It works on Monterey on an Intel Mac πŸ€” will test it on Apple Silicon as well to see if it's something weird different down in system-level APIs. Could you also try unticking the option in MacGesture Preferences, removing it from System Preferences β†’ Users & Groups β†’ YOUR ACCOUNT β†’ Login Items if present, closing Preferences, and add again via MacGesture Preferences?

Thank You! Unfortunately, removing and adding the option did not work, MacGesture is still not opening automatically on startup.

Just tested Big Sur on M1 and it works 🀨 so I'll give more feedback after installing Monterey on a different partition. Temporarily, you could untick the option in MacGesture Preferences, delete the item if present in System Preferences pane, and add it only using the System Preferences – it should be a system-level feature to fire up any application on startup, not depending on any application. So another possibility is, that system option is broken, too. πŸ˜„

Okay, just tested and it works on my Mac mini M1, both in Big Sur and Monterey, the same applies to 16" MacBook Pro with Intel. πŸ€” By any chance, do you see any error messages in Console app when enabling live logging and switching the β€œStart at Login” option, or alternatively, using the system-provided dialog in System Preferences?

Well, I just drag and drop the application in the application folder and now it's working! Thanks for all your help :)

Ah, I see πŸ€” well there's a concept of Gatekeeper Path Randomization where the application is made to believe it has a random (artificial) path when running, unless it's placed in /Applications – good to know it also affects things like this, definitely thanks for the feedback πŸ‘ I think we could check this on checking that specific option.

Added a simple app path checker on the feature checkbox in the 3.1 release. βœ