
magic mouse 2 right click does not work well when run 3.1

lujimmy opened this issue Β· 8 comments

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Please write the feedback in English if possible so everyone who might read it will be able to respond easily! πŸ‘

Describe the bug
magic mouse 2 right click do not work well when run Macgesture 3.1 and above version

Steps To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. enable Macgesture 3.1
  2. right click in Safari or any other apps
  3. right click with magic mouse 2 does not work every click
  4. right click with touch pad works well
  5. disable Macgesture 3.1
  6. right click with magic mouse 2 works well
  7. try with other version, this bug remained

Expected behaviour
right click with magic mouse 2 works well

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS:macOS Monterey 12.3 (21E230)
  • Browser:safari 15.4 (17613.

Additional context
optimal the right click logic with time or move space, under a limited define right click else a gesture.

BTW, Macgesture is wonderful thx for your hard work

I confirm this issue. Definitely there needed a cursor move limit so gesture doesn't start unless let's say under 10 pixels move.

There's a detection threshold value already available, yet it's not exposed to the UI at this moment. πŸ€” But you can fortunately experiment with it using User Defaults via Terminal:

defaults write com.codefalling.MacGesture directionDetectionThreshold -int 20

where 20 is the default value, so the gestures aren't detected & performed if you move the cursor less than 20 pixels in any recognisable direction. As far as I test it, the default value is being respected as expected.

I can't really confirm issues with Magic Mouse nor a regular β€œWindows” mouse as I use both & the right-clicking works perfectly fine πŸ€” either with an Intel or Apple Silicon machine, Catalina-Big Sur-Monterey-Ventura.

Yeah but the app still draws the path and prevents right click menu to pop out. The only solution for now is to try keep your cursor not move when you press right click button

Well, experimenting with it just now πŸ€” can you try turning the Mouse path off? πŸ˜„ Seems like it behaves differently with this setting specifically (Path turned on β†’ below-threshold events upstream (to open contextual menu) are blocked) so it would hopefully just be a nasty, but easy-to-fix bug.

I don't really use any on-screen indication so that's probably worked fine on my side. #LuckySetup πŸ˜„

Wow, now works just fine after turning the path off πŸ˜πŸ™

Okaaay, so that'd be it πŸ˜„βœ… it should work that way even if the Mouse path is shown, I'll try to address it soon. πŸ‘Œ Keeping the Mouse path off in the meantime is the workaround until then.

I think #128 can solve this problem about cursor move.

Please try

I think it fixed problem metioned here.