
[RAR5] Problems with archive with one encrypted file

kyeastmood opened this issue · 2 comments

Archive: link

When I try to list the archive invoking lsar archive.rar lsar asks for password, but file names are not encrypted in this archive. But when I provide it anyway, lsar prints message Archive parsing failed! (Attempted to read more data than was available.). Testing archive with lsar -t archive.rar results in the same error.

The password is 123.

Version: 1.10.1/Debian


It cannot be reproduced with the current source. This seems could be already fixed in the latest changes.

lsar ~/Downloads/zCNJ.rar
~/Downloads/zCNJ.rar: RAR 5

lsar -l ~/Downloads/zCNJ.rar
~/Downloads/zCNJ.rar: RAR 5
     Flags  File size   Ratio  Mode  Date       Time   Name
     =====  ==========  =====  ====  ========== =====  ====
  0. ---E-           4  -300%  Norm  2019-01-07 15:48  file.txt
(Flags: D=Directory, R=Resource fork, L=Link, E=Encrypted, @=Extended attributes)
(Mode: Norm=Normal v5.0 (0))

lsar -L ~/Downloads/zCNJ.rar
~/Downloads/zCNJ.rar: RAR 5
  Name:                           file.txt
  Size:                           4 bytes
  Compressed size:                16 bytes
  Compression type:               Normal v5.0 (0)
  Is encrypted:                   Yes
  Last modified:                  Monday, 7 January 2019, 15:48:41
  Index in file:                  0
  Is a solid archive file:        No
  Internal solid identifier:      0
  Start of data in solid stream:  0
  Length of data in solid stream: 4
  RAR5Attributes:                 8224
  RAR5CRC32:                      0x70c16462
  RAR5ChecksumsAreEncrypted:      1
  RAR5CompressionInformation:     384
  RAR5CompressionMethod:          3
  RAR5CompressionVersion:         0
  RAR5DataLength:                 16
  RAR5DataOffset:                 114
  RAR5DictionarySize:             131072
  RAR5EncryptionCheckData:        8 bytes (90ba7010 5bbf6770)
  RAR5EncryptionExtraCRC:         2217092925
  RAR5EncryptionFlags:            3
  RAR5EncryptionIV:               16 bytes (089d3da5 e7ac6d7d 2415a953 e6fc1778)
  RAR5EncryptionSalt:             16 bytes (c3b8c144 febd65ec 108c5f50 40df0512)
  RAR5EncryptionStrength:         15
  RAR5Flags:                      4
  RAR5InputParts:                 0: CRC32:       1891722338
                                     InputLength: 16
                                     Offset:      114
  RAR5OS:                         0
  RAR5OSName:                     Windows
lsar -t ~/Downloads/zCNJ.rar
~/Downloads/zCNJ.rar: RAR 5
file.txt... This archive requires a password to list.
Password (will not be shown):
1 passed, 0 failed.

While the -t is asking for a password, I believe, that this is because it need to calculate checksums so the contents need to be accessed.

The issue can be closed in this case.