
Sorted diff tool with fully qualified paths

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For larger yaml files, it can be helpful to look at differences between versions in sorted order. For example, if a block was moved, a standard diff may make it hard to understand the differences.

Additionally, with diffs of larger yaml files, the full path to the key/value on a line can be cumbersome to extract. For example, if each parent has 10+ children on average, and the difference is in a child 6 or 7 levels deep. It can be much worse when there are levels that have 100's' of children.

To alleviate some of these issues, create a tool that can sort and/or explode the keys.

For example,

    c: 1
    x: 5
    y: 'r'
    c: 2

Would become

a.b.x: 2
a.b.y: 'r'
a.d.c: 1
a.d.x: 5

When both exploded and sorted.