
A collection of hash functions, ciphers, tools, libraries, and materials related to cryptography & security. :closed_lock_with_key::closed_lock_with_key::closed_lock_with_key::closed_lock_with_key::closed_lock_with_key: (project was renamed, libchaos is main)

Primary LanguageC

            /  /   \  \
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           ////`.;;;;.`\      | _ \ __|_   _|_   _| __| _ \\
          |||; ::/  \:: ;     |   / _|  | |   | | | _||   /
          |||; ::\__/:: ;     |_|_\___| |_|   |_| |___|_|_\\
           \\\\ ';;;;' /      Cryptography & Security moves fast. Keep up!


                             By: M. A. Czyzewski
                             Date: April 3, 2011

            This code is explicitly placed into the public domain.

=== WHAT IS RETTER? ===========================================================

    The purpose of this project is to promote and develop cryptography.

    It includes the collection of known tools, libraries, articles, materials,
    hash functions, and ciphers. Also it's a place for people who share an
    interest in security & cryptography and want to discuss about it.

    | If you invent a new hash function or ciphers, or write a paper related |
    | to cryptography just add it here. That is the right place...           |

    See CONTRIBUTING file in main directory.

=== HOW DO I BUILD RETTER? ====================================================

    The retter code has been tested on Debian Linux, using the Python 2.7.

    ./bootstrap.sh build

=== WHERE CAN I FIND UPDATES? =================================================

    Find more information and updates at: github.com/maciejczyzewski/retter