Set iOS version

With this step we replace the values of MARKETING_VERSION and CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION in the project.pbxproj file. The project.pbxproj file is located in your .xcodeproj file.

How to use this Step in your bitrise.yml file

Reference it in your bitrise.yml with the git::PUBLIC-GIT-CLONE-URL@BRANCH step reference style:

- git::
        - bundle_version: "The bundle version"
        - bundle_version_short: "The short bundle version"
        - pbxproj_path: "Path to {Project name}/project.pbxproj"

Share your own Step

You can share your Step or step version with the bitrise CLI. If you use the bitrise.yml included in this repository, all you have to do is:

  1. In your Terminal / Command Line cd into this directory (where the bitrise.yml of the step is located)
  2. Run: bitrise run test to test the step
  3. Run: bitrise run audit-this-step to audit the step.yml
  4. Check the share-this-step workflow in the bitrise.yml, and fill out the envs if you haven't done so already (don't forget to bump the version number if this is an update of your step!)
  5. Then run: bitrise run share-this-step to share the step (version) you specified in the envs
  6. Send the Pull Request, as described in the logs of bitrise run share-this-step

That's all ;)