

Closed this issue · 4 comments

It's almost not possible to edit the css, it's just a mess. Tried to use a theme from bootswatch.... Pain in the ass :P

What is the problem?

It's not a real problem, but it's very hard to read the simpas.css file. Everything is on 4 lines.

Yes, because SimPas uses LESS as CSS pre-processor.
simpas.css is compiled (and compressed) version.

Check out files in folder:


For example, navbar CSS:
And variables:

After edit, fire in console:

$ cd your-simpas-path/assets/default/css
$ lessc simpas.less > simpas.css -x

More info:

Awesome! Thanks. :)

You did a really good job on the script it self! Only thing i could think of is a search option, to search through the public pastes.

Keep up this work!