Unable to install HEPTopTagger
Closed this issue · 9 comments
System Settings
OS: macOS v13.1
Python version : 3.9.12
g++/c++ version:
Apple clang version 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin22.2.0
Thread model: posix
MadAnalysis 5 version : MA5: MA5 release : 2.0.4 [ 2022/07/18 ]
Describe the bug
After I found arXiv:2303.03427v1, I wanted to know how Madanalysis5 implements HEPTopTagger, so I downloaded tutorial-osu-min.zip. According to the instructions in readme, install the required package. When installing to HEPTopTagger, Madanalysis5 prompts me that I cannot install it. The relevant prompt is shown in the following code:
ma5>install HEPTopTagger
MA5: **********************************************************
MA5: Installing HEPTopTagger
MA5: **********************************************************
MA5: Detecting a previous installation ...
MA5: => found
MA5: Removing the previous installation ...
MA5-WARNING: Are you sure to remove the directory called '/Users/wangshiyu/Downloads/madanalysis5-2.0.4_beta/tools/HEPTopTagger' ? (Y/N)
Answer: y
MA5: Creating a devoted folder ...
MA5: Creating a temporary folder ...
MA5: Downloading the package ...
MA5: Installation NOT complete.
MA5: Elapsed time = 31.34 seconds
MA5: => Status: [FAILURE]
MA5: **********************************************************
To Reproduce
MA5: *************************************************************
MA5: * *
MA5: * W E L C O M E to M A D A N A L Y S I S 5 *
MA5: * ______ ______ *
MA5: * /'\_/`\/\ __ \/\ ___\ *
MA5: * /\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \__/ *
MA5: * \ \ \__\ \ \ __ \ \___``\ *
MA5: * \ \ \_/\ \ \ \/\ \/\ \_\ \ *
MA5: * \ \_\\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____/ *
MA5: * \/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/___/ *
MA5: * *
MA5: * MA5 release : 2.0.4 2022/07/18 *
MA5: * *
MA5: * Comput. Phys. Commun. 184 (2013) 222-256 *
MA5: * Eur. Phys. J. C74 (2014) 3103 *
MA5: * *
MA5: * The MadAnalysis Development Team - Please visit us at *
MA5: * https://github.com/MadAnalysis *
MA5: * *
MA5: * Type 'help' for in-line help. *
MA5: * *
MA5: *************************************************************
MA5: Platform: Darwin 22.2.0 [MAC/OSX mode]
MA5: Reading user settings ...
MA5: Checking mandatory packages:
MA5: - Python [OK]
MA5: - GNU GCC g++ [OK]
MA5: - GNU Make [OK]
MA5: Checking optional packages devoted to data processing:
MA5: - Zlib [OK]
MA5: - FastJet [OK]
MA5: - FastJet Contrib [OK]
MA5: - HEPTopTagger [DISABLED]
MA5: - Root [OK]
MA5: - Delphes [DISABLED]
MA5: - Delphes-MA5tune [DISABLED]
MA5: Checking the MadAnalysis 5 core library:
MA5: => MadAnalysis libraries found.
MA5: => MadAnalysis test program works.
MA5: Reading user settings ...
MA5: Checking optional packages devoted to reinterpretation:
MA5: - SciPy [OK]
MA5: - pyhf [DISABLED]
MA5: Checking optional packages devoted to histogramming:
MA5: - Root [OK]
MA5: - Matplotlib [OK]
MA5: - gnuplot [DISABLED]
MA5-WARNING: gnuplot disabled. Plots in gnuplot format file will not be produced.
MA5: - pdflatex [OK]
MA5: - latex [OK]
MA5: Package used for graphical rendering: Root
MA5: *************************************************************
MA5: Particle labels exported from madanalysis/input/particles_name_default.txt
MA5: => 87 particles successfully exported.
MA5: Multiparticle labels exported from madanalysis/input/multiparticles_default.txt
MA5: => Creation of the label 'invisible' (-> missing energy).
MA5: => Creation of the label 'hadronic' (-> jet energy).
MA5: => 8 multiparticles successfully exported.
ma5>install HEPTopTagger
MA5: **********************************************************
MA5: Installing HEPTopTagger
MA5: **********************************************************
MA5: Detecting a previous installation ...
MA5: => found
MA5: Removing the previous installation ...
MA5-WARNING: Are you sure to remove the directory called '/Users/wangshiyu/Downloads/madanalysis5-2.0.4_beta/tools/HEPTopTagger' ? (Y/N)
Answer: y
MA5: Creating a devoted folder ...
MA5: Creating a temporary folder ...
MA5: Downloading the package ...
MA5: Installation NOT complete.
MA5: Elapsed time = 31.28 seconds
MA5: => Status: [FAILURE]
MA5: **********************************************************
Expected behaviour
No response
Log files
No response
Additional information
No response
Hi @597405567 could you please run it in the debug mode and let us know what you see? You haven't given me much information so it's impossible to know what has gone wrong.
Opening mad in bin/ma5 - d mode, use the command install HepToptagger to get the following prompt:
ma5>install HEPTopTagger
MA5-DEBUG (interpreter_base.precmd() in interpreter_base.py::L160): ['install', 'HEPTopTagger']
MA5: **********************************************************
MA5: Installing HEPTopTagger
MA5: **********************************************************
MA5: Detecting a previous installation ...
MA5: => found
MA5: Removing the previous installation ...
MA5-WARNING: Are you sure to remove the directory called '/Users/wangshiyu/Downloads/madanalysis5-2.0.4_beta/tools/HEPTopTagger' ? (Y/N)
Answer: y
MA5: Creating a devoted folder ...
MA5-DEBUG (install_service.create_tools_folder() in install_service.py::L417): The installation folder 'tools' is already created.
MA5-DEBUG (install_service.create_package_folder() in install_service.py::L443): Creation of the directory 'tools/HEPTopTagger'
MA5: Creating a temporary folder ...
MA5-DEBUG (install_service.prepare_tmp() in install_service.py::L153): This temporary folder '/var/folders/l7/h_r2cy3n1r73k2_clp2tshpm0000gn/T/MA5_heptoptagger' is found. Try to remove it ...
MA5-DEBUG (install_service.prepare_tmp() in install_service.py::L161): Creating a temporary folder '/var/folders/l7/h_r2cy3n1r73k2_clp2tshpm0000gn/T/MA5_heptoptagger' ...
MA5-DEBUG (install_service.prepare_tmp() in install_service.py::L170): Creating a temporary download folder '/var/folders/l7/h_r2cy3n1r73k2_clp2tshpm0000gn/T/MA5_downloads' ...
MA5-DEBUG (install_service.prepare_tmp() in install_service.py::L178): folder '/var/folders/l7/h_r2cy3n1r73k2_clp2tshpm0000gn/T/MA5_downloads' exists.
MA5-DEBUG (install_service.prepare_tmp() in install_service.py::L180): Name of the temporary untar folder: /var/folders/l7/h_r2cy3n1r73k2_clp2tshpm0000gn/T/MA5_heptoptagger
MA5-DEBUG (install_service.prepare_tmp() in install_service.py::L181): Name of the temporary download folder: /var/folders/l7/h_r2cy3n1r73k2_clp2tshpm0000gn/T/MA5_downloads
MA5: Downloading the package ...
MA5-DEBUG (install_heptoptagger.Download() in install_heptoptagger.py::L71): shell command: curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/MadAnalysis/HEPTopTagger/releases/latest
MA5: Installation NOT complete.
MA5: Elapsed time = 31.51 seconds
MA5: => Status: [FAILURE]
MA5: **********************************************************
Hi @597405567, could you please check if you have the curl
command in your bash terminal? if not, you will need to install it, which can be done using homebrew. This is usually installed by default but can not guarantee for MacOS.
Dear jackaraz:
This is my curl information:
(base) 597405567@bogon madanalysis5-2.0.4_beta % curl --version
curl 7.82.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0) libcurl/7.82.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1n zlib/1.2.12 libssh2/1.10.0 nghttp2/1.46.0
Release-Date: 2022-03-05
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher gophers http https imap imaps mqtt pop3 pop3s rtsp scp sftp smb smbs smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: alt-svc AsynchDNS GSS-API HSTS HTTP2 HTTPS-proxy IPv6 Kerberos Largefile libz NTLM NTLM_WB SPNEGO SSL TLS-SRP UnixSockets
Hi @597405567, that is very weird. There should be a file madanalysis5/tools/HEPTopTagger/github_meta.log
. Could you upload the contents here? If it's not there, could you try this please: curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/MadAnalysis/HEPTopTagger/releases/latest
Also just to make sure, you have installed FastJet through MadAnalysis 5 v2 correct?
Following the prompts, I found this file. But this file is blank. Unfortunately, after I used command
curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/MadAnalysis/HEPTopTagger/releases/latest
, my computer did not respond.
(base) 597405567@bogon ~ % curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/MadAnalysis/HEPTopTagger/releases/latest
(base) 597405567@bogon ~ %
Hi @597405567 unfortunately if bash script doesn't work on your system as it should i have no solutions for that. I just tested it in both linux and macos machines and it seems to be working. What you can do is simply download the content of our heptoptagger repository into ‘tools/HEPTopTagger’ folder and run ‘./ma5/bin -b’.
Dear jackaraz
Thanks for your help. It seems work
MA5: - Zlib [OK]
MA5: - FastJet [OK]
MA5: - FastJet Contrib [OK]
MA5: - HEPTopTagger [OK]
MA5: - Root [OK]
Hi @597405567 im glad that it works! Just so you know root may create some issues as well since they have different c++ requirements, especially in macos its always problematic. If it does, deactivating it should do the trick.