
MadAnalysis5 failed to produce the reconstructed event file for reconstruction 'BasicReco'

prebello opened this issue · 4 comments


Dear experts,

I am using the MA5 installed in MG5@aMCNLO 3_5_0 version in MAC OS Big Sur 11.7.3 Intel Core i7 .

Proposed changes in the MA5 launchpad to fix this issue are present in madgraph/interface/

Nevertheless, I am still receiving the error msg "MadAnalysis5 failed to
produce the reconstructed event file for reconstruction 'BasicReco'."

additional information: although the input file is there

-rw-r--r-- 1 patriciateles staff 876M Jun 29 14:46

Madanalysis is not accepting it

ma5>import /Users/patriciateles/TOOLS/MG5_aMC_v3_5_0/MY_THIRD_MG5_RUN/Events/run_01_decayed_1/tag_1_pythia8_events.hepmc.gz as reco_events
The dataset '/Users/patriciateles/TOOLS/MG5_aMC_v3_5_0/MY_THIRD_MG5_RUN/Events/run_01_decayed_1/tag_1_pythia8_events.hepmc.gz' has not been found or has an unsupported format.
ma5>set main.outputfile=tag_1_pythia8_BasicReco.lhe.gz
ma5>submit /Users/patriciateles/TOOLS/MG5_aMC_v3_5_0/MY_THIRD_MG5_RUN/MA5_HADRON_ANALYSIS_reco_BasicReco_1
no dataset found; please define a dataset (via the command import).
job submission aborted.

May I kindly ask for your help? Thank you

Regards Patricia

Hi @prebello first of all we need a bit more information such as the version of ma5 that you are using etc. have you installed zlib? when you run ma5 you should see the following.

MA5:      - Zlib                     [OK]

In which mode are you running ma5? when you type display main it will tell you which type of files can be processed.

hi @jackaraz, thank you for your prompt reply

the version

in madanalysis5_install.log
MA5: - Zlib [OK]

ma5>display main
MA5: *********************************
MA5: main program
MA5: *********************************
MA5: currentdir = /Users/patriciateles/TOOLS/MG5_aMC_v3_5_0/HEPTools/madanalysis5/madanalysis5
MA5: graphic renderer = root
MA5: histogram normalization mode = lumi_weight
MA5: integrated luminosity = 10 fb^{-1}
MA5: output file = none
MA5: figure of merit (fom) - formula num 4: S/sqrt(S+B)
MA5: *********************************
MA5: File extension readable in this session: .lhe .hep .hepmc .lhe.gz .hep.gz .hepmc.gz .lhe.fifo .hep.fifo .hepmc.fifo .lhe.gz.fifo .hep.gz.fifo .hepmc.gz.fifo
MA5: File extension NOT readable in this session: .root .lhco .root.gz .lhco.gz .root.fifo .lhco.fifo .root.gz.fifo .lhco.gz.fifo
MA5: *********************************
MA5: fast-simulation package : none
MA5: isolation algorithm : cone
MA5: + cone radius = 0.5
MA5: *********************************
MA5: recasting mode: off
MA5: *********************************

Hi @prebello, I don't see any problem in your script or ma5 configuration. I don't really know what is going wrong, I'm afraid; @BFuks do you see anything that I might be missing?

BFuks commented

I don't see what is wrong with the syntax. As this message is 4 months old, maybe it would be good to retry first with a more recent version of the code. @prebello?

