
Test noir inside solidity

Primary LanguageSolidity

Foundry x Noir

A foundry library for working with noir contracts. Take a look at our project template to quickly get up to speed using this library.


First, install the nargo by running:

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/noir-lang/noirup/main/install | bash

Then, install this library with forge:

forge install cheethas/foundry-noir


The NoirProver is a Solidity library that takes a path to a noir project and generates a hex proof given a series of inputs. To use it, simply import it into your file by doing:

import { NoirProver } from "foundry-noir/Noir.sol";

This library will not generate the verifier contract for you, however there is a sister project noirplate that has a script you can run after each of your circuit changes to generate a new verifier.

Here is an example deployment from the sister template repo:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "../src/NoirExample.sol";
import {NoirProver} from "foundry-noir/Noir.sol";

contract NoirExampleTest is Test {
    NoirProver public noirProver;
    NoirExample public noirExample;

    function setUp() public {
        noirExample = new NoirExample();
        noirProver = new NoirProver()

    function testGenerateAndVerifyProof() public {
            .with_input(NoirProver.CircuitInput("x", 1))
            .with_public_input(NoirProver.CircuitInput("y", 2));

        bytes memory proof = noirProver.generate_proof();

Above you can see that you can target multiple different nargo projects within the same test suite by creating a new NoirProver with a different .with_nargo_project_path(<your_path_here (relative to root)>)

NOTE: It is highly recommended that you read the foundry book, or at least familiarize yourself with foundry, before using this library to avoid easily susceptible footguns.