
Discord.js Monkey-Patch to allow connections to Fosscord

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This package monkey-patches the Discord.js library in order to allow it to connect to Fosscord instances.


npm install fosscord-monkey.js


Exactly as you would the standard Discord.js package, but instead just import this one.

import Fosscord from "fosscord-monkey.js";
const client = new Fosscord.Client({
	intents: ["GUILD_MESSAGES"],

	// http: {		//New default endpoints
	// 	api: 'https://dev.fosscord.com/api',
	// 	cdn: 'https://cdn.fosscord.com',
	// 	invite: 'https://fosscord.com',
	// },

client.on("ready", () => {
	console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user?.tag}`);

client.on("messageCreate", (msg) => {

client.login("token here");	//Token from instance

Instancing ( WIP )

Allows connections to multiple Fosscord/Discord instances. Using mostly the same API as Discord.js Shards.

/* entry point */
import { InstanceManager } from "fosscord-monkey.js";

const manager = new InstanceMananger("./bot", {
	instances: [
			token: "bot token for this instance",
			baseUrl: "url of fosscord/discord instance",
			// rather than baseUrl, you may alternatively provide:
			http: {
				api: "fosscord api endpoint",
				cdn: "cdn endpoint",
				invite: "invite endpoint",
		{ ... }

// Or:
manager.createChild({ token: "", baseUrl: "", });

manager.on("childCreate", (child) => {
	console.log(`Created instance ${child.instance.baseUrl}`);

/* bot.ts */
import Fosscord from "fosscord-monkey.js";
const Client = new Fosscord.Client({ ... });

if (client.instanced) {		//Similar to client.shard
	client.instanced.broadcastEval((client) => console.log("yooo"));
		.then(x => console.log(`I am in ${x.reduce((c, p) => c + p)} guilds over all my instances`));

	await client.instanced.instanceIdsForGuildId(message.guild.id);	//returns guild, child id and instance id ( currently instance baseUrl )
	await client.instanced.instanceIdsForUserId(message.user.id);	//see above


//INSTANCE_TOKEN is set by InstanceMananger for this process.


Can be found in /example directory. To run:

git clone https://github.com/MaddyUnderStars/fosscord.js.git
cd fosscord.js
npm i
npm run example:ping -- Fosscord_user_token_here

Replace ping with whatever example you want, although I don't expect any more to be coming around.