
BUG: Characters without existing builds does not load constellations

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Currently Neuvillette doesn't have any (placeholder) builds in data/build.js

When the character page is opened, it returns null at line 236 of [id].svelte so await getConstellationCount() is never called

It also has a side-effect that modifying the character constellation count deletes other characters constellation counts, as the original constellation count was never loaded.

The quickest fix would be adding the necessary data placeholder, but a proper fix would be to decouple loading build and constellation count (or handling null values)

neuvillette: {
    roles: {
      TBD: {
        recommended: false,
        weapons: [],
        artifacts: [],
        mainStats: {
          sands: ['TBD'],
          goblet: ['TBD'],
          circlet: ['TBD'],
        subStats: ['TBD'],
        talent: ['TBD'],
        note: 'TBD',

Kirara also suffers from this, a fix would be nice. Just had all my constellations reset in the character screen when tweaking Neuvillette.

People report Wriothesley too, and they also report loss of data in the JSON file (probably helped it).
Either way it's a critical bug that breaks the site and should be addressed promptly.

Same issue happen with Furina and Charlotte.