
This application is a web-based course management system built using React for the front-end and Spring Boot for the back-end. It allows users to view, add, update, and delete courses.

The front-end of the application is implemented using React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It uses React Router for handling client-side routing and Bootstrap for styling components. The application consists of multiple components such as Header, Home, AllCourses, AddCourse, and Course, which are responsible for displaying different sections and functionalities.

The back-end of the application is developed using Spring Boot, a framework for building Java-based web applications. It follows a RESTful architecture and provides REST API endpoints for retrieving, adding, updating, and deleting courses. The application uses Spring Data JPA to interact with the database and perform CRUD operations on the Course entity. The Course entity represents a course and contains properties such as ID, title, and duration.

The application uses axios, a popular HTTP client library, to make API calls from the front-end to the back-end. It communicates with the REST API endpoints provided by the Spring Boot application to fetch and manipulate course data.

Toast notifications from the react-toastify library are used to display success and error messages to the user for various actions such as adding a course or deleting a course.

Overall, this application provides a user-friendly interface for managing courses, allowing users to perform CRUD operations and receive real-time feedback on their actions. It combines the power of React and Spring Boot to create a robust and efficient course management system.



Add Course

Add Course

View Courses

View Course