
FEAT: "Beloved of the Divine" prerequisites.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In game: let me take "Beloved of the Divine" as a level 30 feat, even though I had never taken the feat, "Child of Faith".

Builder will not let me use "Beloved of the Divine" because I don't have the prerequisite feat, "Child of Faith".


In the mean time, is there a setting that will let me force the program to accept the "Beloved..." feat?

Note that the program build follows the in-game build exactly, using the program to track my progress. It's then strange when I can't get the program to follow the actual build.
Is it possible that DDO has changed the prerequisites for (more than one that I've found) Feats? Some kind of stealth update that the program needs to catch up to?

I removed the Child Of requirement from the feat. Oddly, the wiki has no info on this feat.