
Viridi, a new build tool made for creating digital gardens

ChrisShank opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi @MaggieAppleton! I have been working on a new project called Viridi that I think you and the digital garden community might be interested in. I just published an early version on npm as viridi if you want to play around with it (although there are probably still bugs)! 😄

It's an framework-agnostic build tool made exclusively for building digital gardens. The documentation gives a pretty good overview of how it works and the current/planned features, but the current API is pretty simple:

import { notes, getNoteByID, getNoteByURL } from '@viridi';

// Use the knowledge graph however you desire!

Currently it only works with a build toll called ViteJS, but in the future we should be able to support other builds tools!
It supports backlinks, and tue knowledge graph is code split so that the content of the note is dynamically imported when you want it. One of the features you might be interested (as you inspired me to implement it from your Clubhouse discussion with @sw-yx ) is that is we use Git so that each note has a list of logs (i.e changes) so you can see how the content of a note has changed over time (I am also researching if we could access the entire knowledge graph of previous commits 🧐).

Anyway I would love if you or any others have any feedback or ideas!