
MMM shows only Undefined

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I installed MMM and able to run it. The problem is MMM shows only Undefined and it does not matter have 3rd party modules or not. I tried solutions on the internet but did not work. What should I do?

To addition the information above, I also changed the socketclient.js. You can find the codes below.

MMM version: 2.25.0
Node JS version: 20.10.0
Operating System: Windows 10


var MMSocket = function(moduleName) {
	var self = this;

	if (typeof moduleName !== "string") {
		throw new Error("Please set the module name for the MMSocket.");

	self.moduleName = moduleName;

	// Private Methods
	self.socket = io("/" + self.moduleName);
	var notificationCallback = function() {};

	var onevent = self.socket.onevent;
	self.socket.onevent = function(packet) {
		var args = || [];, packet);    // original call = ["*"].concat(args);, packet);      // additional call to catch-all

	// register catch all.
	self.socket.on("*", function(notification, payload) {
		if (notification !== "*") {
			notificationCallback(notification, payload);

	// Public Methods
	this.setNotificationCallback = function(callback) {
		notificationCallback = callback;

	this.sendNotification = function(notification, payload) {
		if (typeof payload === "undefined") {
			payload = {};
		self.socket.emit(notification, payload);

did you do the two additional npm install steps? in vendor and fonts, per the documentation.

why did u change socketClient?

why did u change socketClient?

  1. As I remember I didn't do that but how do I check?
  2. I don't know exactly how it works, I saw the solution (don't remember which website) and some positive comments and I did it.

in the MagicMirror folder do

git status

to see the condition of all the files provided against the source repo versions

but again what lead you to do this? for what proposed fix?

in the MagicMirror folder do

git status

to see the condition of all the files provided against the source repo versions

but again what lead you to do this? for what proposed fix?

I am not a good computer person, sorry about that but I saw and tried it. I have no clue what I did.

$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   css/main.css
        modified:   js/socketclient.js
        modified:   package.json

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

ok, 1st ALL css changes go in css/custom.css
(if the file doesn't exist, cxreate it)

please put back socketclient

git checkout js/socketclient.js

also do

cd  MagicMirror\fonts 
npm install
cd ..\vendor
npm install

then restart MagicMirror

It works!! Thank you so much.