
Is this site still maintained? If so, can deprecated modules be removed?

Brianmarofsky opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello and thank you for opening an issue.

⚠️ Please make sure that you have read the following lines before submitting your Issue:

I'm not sure if this is a bug

If you're not sure if it's a real bug or if it's just you, please open a topic on the forum:

I'm having troubles installing or configuring MagicMirror

Problems installing or configuring your MagicMirror? Check out:

A common problem is that your config file could be invalid. Please run in your MagicMirror² directory: npm run config:check and see if it reports an error.

I found a bug in the MagicMirror² installer

If you are facing an issue or found a bug while trying to install MagicMirror² via the installer please report it in the respective GitHub repository:

I found a bug in the MagicMirror² Docker image

If you are facing an issue or found a bug while running MagicMirror² inside a Docker container please create an issue in the corresponding repository:

I'm having troubles installing or configuring foreign modules

Please open an issue in the module repository or ask for help in the forum

I found a bug in MagicMirror

Please make sure to only submit reproducible issues. You can safely remove everything above the dividing line.
When submitting a new issue, please supply the following information:

Platform: Place your platform here... give us your web browser/Electron version and your hardware (Raspberry Pi 2/3/4, Windows, Mac, Linux, System V UNIX).

Node Version: Make sure it's version 18 or later (recommended is 20).

MagicMirror² Version: Please let us know which version of MagicMirror² you are running. It can be found in the package.json file.

Description: Provide a detailed description about the issue and include specific details to help us understand the problem. Adding screenshots will help describing the problem.

Steps to Reproduce: List the step by step process to reproduce the issue.

Expected Results: Describe what you expected to see.

Actual Results: Describe what you actually saw.

Configuration: What does the used config.js file look like? Don't forget to remove any sensitive information!

Additional Notes: Provide any other relevant notes not previously mentioned. This is optional.

this issue is not readable, is there anything in the description or is all content in the title?

this was in error and can be removed.