
Forgotten quotes does not set off error detector....

BKeyport opened this issue · 2 comments

In relation to pull 225 request in docs, I noticed I forgot the quotes when setting up the new configuration/introduction. In testing, this created an error that the actual mirror catches and shows the error screen, but the configuration checker does not pick up on - I did not check if it picks it up without the enviroment variable.

bkey1970@officemirror:~/MagicMirror $ export MM_CONFIG_FILE=config/config2.js
npm run config:check

> magicmirror@2.26.0 config:check
> node js/check_config.js

[10.01.2024 15:09.58.458] [INFO]  Checking file...  /home/bkey1970/MagicMirror/config/config2.js
[10.01.2024 15:09.58.629] [INFO]  Your configuration file doesn't contain syntax errors :)

This shouldn't have been transferred. There's a bug in the config:check routine that passes invalid lines like was in the old version of the config documentation. It'll pass with

module: clock,
position: fullscreen_above,

which is not correct.

Ups, my bad. Shouldnt do stuff directly after waking up...