
Calendar Module: Not displaying all calendars.

GilmorHappy opened this issue · 3 comments

Platform: RPI3B rev1.2 Raspbian Bullseye

Node Version: v21.6.1

MagicMirror² Version: 2.26

Description: Calendar Module isn't showing all of my fetched calendars.

Steps to Reproduce: Restarting MM2 using pm2. Rarely the calendar is there. Mostly it's not.

Expected Results: US-Holiday, Trash Schedule, J's schedule and A's always appear. On both remote and local screen.

Actual Results: US-Holiday, Trash Schedule, J's schedule always appear. On local screen. A's schedule appears on local screen 25% of the time after reboot. A's schedule appears on a remove screen ~90% of the time.


module: "calendar",
header: "Calendar",
position: "lower_third",
config: {
coloredSymbol: true,
maximumEntries: 15,
maxTitleLength: 50,
calendars: [
fetchInterval: 86400000,
symbol: "calendar-check",
url: "",
color: "#ffffff"
//Trash Schedule
fetchInterval: 86400000,
symbol: "trash-can",
url: "",
color: "#67a440"
//A's Schedule
fetchInterval: 300000,
symbol: "calendar",
url: "<a's email>/private-/basic.ics",
color: "#ffc0cb"
//J's Schedule
fetchInterval: 300000,
symbol: "calendar",
url: "<j's email>/private-/basic.ics",
color: "#6ca0dc"



Additional Notes: This issue started to occur after I update to MM 2.25 or 2.26, and wasn't occuring before. I believe I was on 2.22 or 2.23 before updating.

install the old parser

cd MagicMirror
npm install node-ical@0.16.1

restart mm

install the old parser

cd MagicMirror
npm install node-ical@0.16.1

restart mm

Applied fix. All the correct entries are appearing again :). Testing for a few days and will update and close unless something comes up.

Seems to be working great. Thanks for the simple fix.