
Introspection TYPE_BY_OID running for long time

slice-ArpitSharma opened this issue · 6 comments

  • asyncpg version:.29.0
  • PostgreSQL version: 2.0.26
  • Do you use a PostgreSQL SaaS? If so, which? Can you reproduce
    the issue with a local PostgreSQL install?
    : no
  • Python version: 3.8.12
  • Platform: macos | arm | m1
  • Do you use pgbouncer?: no
  • Did you install asyncpg with pip?: yes
  • If you built asyncpg locally, which version of Cython did you use?: na
  • Can the issue be reproduced under both asyncio and
    : haven't tried yet

Recently integrated Postgres db in of my services, it is a fastapi application hence I am leveraging asyncpg and sqlalchemy, however ever since I've done that, the db is executing the query
SELECT t.oid, t.typelem AS elemtype, t.typtype AS kindFROM pg_catalog.pg_type AS tWHERE t.oid = $1

upon inspection I found that it is executed through asyncpg while introspection, using the TYPE_BY_OID introspection type.

The RDS metrics looks like this
Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 1 06 59 AM

Need some help in understanding why it is happening, and how can we stop it.

In the service there is a global pg_session.
pg_engine = create_async_engine( os.environ.get('PG_CONN_STRING'), pool_size=5, max_overflow=7, connect_args={"server_settings": {"jit": "off"}} )
pg_async_session = async_sessionmaker(pg_engine, expire_on_commit=False)
for each query we start the connection , execute the query using ORMs and commit.
async with pg_async_session() as session:

@elprans please share your perspective on this problem.

@slice-ArpitSharma Any updates on this? We're pretty much having the same problem, although we're using SQLAlchemy in addition.

@zagortenej024 no updates, i am also using sqlalchemy