
Typing: Correctly set types when getting `Record` fields

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Consider the following:

import asyncio

import asyncpg

async def main() -> int:
    connection_string = "postgresql://postgres:postgres@"
    conn = await asyncpg.connect(connection_string)
    result = await conn.fetch("SELECT 1 + 1 AS num", record_class=Row)
    row = result[0]
    num = row["num"]
    return num  # mypy error: Returning Any from function declared to return "int"

class Row(asyncpg.Record):
    num: int

if __name__ == "__main__":

In essence, the type of num is Any instead of int. I tried to make Row inherit from TypedDict or use a dataclass, both failed.
I'll also be happy to help develop this feature with some general guidance.