Quality assessing, analyzing and testing the statistical significance of real-time quantitative PCR data
- aliciamrichOmaha, NE
- allisonvmitchNCI
- andrew-malikovGeorgia, Tbilisi
- athowesCDC (work) + academic projects
- cathynano
- chronchi
- CreRecombinaseSan Francisco, CA
- ec363
- farinlianiMIT
- JacobRPriceDrexel University
- jrherrUniversity of Nebraska
- jwinter6Steinbrenner Laborsysteme GmbH
- Leonguos
- lhxaurora
- lsilvamPattern Institute
- MaaniBeigyEindhoven University of Technology
- mgdavisxvs
- mortezasabriTechnical University of Munich
- ngslabex
- omershk
- Owain-S
- pavlo888
- rcrosadoIDEXX
- sambbb
- seedsboy007
- yeekzhangDeveloper