Build pluggable AI
Closed this issue · 2 comments
@Nihisil Hi, I'm trying to refactor the project with the goal of making it able to support pluggable AI (I've almost finished building a Reinforcement learning based Riichi mahjong AI and want to test it). While reading through the issues on GitHub, I noticed that you had considered refactoring the project code to build it a long time ago, so if you are still interested in it, maybe I can help that.
Thanks for your interest in the project!
I would like the project to stay the way it is currently. There are no plans for any updates for the bot, so I may just archive it.
If you need to hardcode another AI onto the bot, it's pretty easy to do. I did this on a separate repository when I was experimenting with my neural network bot.
Therefore, I suggest that you fork this repository and integrate your AI directly into it, to simplify things for everyone.
Thank you for your reply!