User management using Nextjs and FastAPI

Full-Stack app with user management

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  • Login and logout using cookies and session
  • Create user account
  • User can update his information

Tech Stack


  • React
  • Nextjs-app router
  • React-Bootstrap


  • FastAPI
  • SQLAlchemy as ORM
  • Pydantic as data validation

Features of Front-end

  • middleware
    • Authorized user can access '/me' routes. but can't access '/login', '/signup'.
    • Unauthorized user can access '/login', '/signup' but can’t access ‘/me’.
  • Signup
    • if user exists, will show the error messages
    • custom validated text for required fields like email, password
    • If user is created, will redirect to the login page and show the alert message.
  • Login
  • Logout
  • User details page
  • custom form validation on login and signup
  • User can update information.
  • Active navbar

Features of Back-end

  • user module
    • id, first name, last name, email as username, password, role, is_active created_at, updated_at
  • admin dashboard => sqladmin
  • authentication => JWT
  • db migration => alembic
  • middleware

User module's API

1 POST /login Login user email, password
2 POST /users/ Create new user email, password, first name, last name
3 GET /users/ Get all users list email, password, first name, last name, role, is_active, created_at, updated_at, id
4 GET /users/me/ Get current user details email, password, first name, last name, role, is_active, created_at, updated_at, id
5 GET /users/{user_id} Get indivisual users details email, password, first name, last name, role, is_active, created_at, updated_at, id
6 PATCH /users/{user_id} Update the user partially email, password, is_active, role
7 DELETE /users/{user_id} Delete the user None
8 GET / Home page None
9 GET /admin Admin Dashboard None



The first thing to do is to clone the repository:


Create a virtual environment to install dependencies in and activate it:

$ cd nextjs-fastapi-user-management
$ cd backend
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Then install the dependencies:

# for fixed version
(venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

# or for updated version
(venv)$ pip install -r dev.txt

Note the (venv) in front of the prompt. This indicates that this terminal session operates in a virtual environment set up by virtualenv2.

Once pip has finished downloading the dependencies:

(venv)$ alembic upgrade head  # database migration
(venv)$ uvicorn app.main:app --reload # backend server will be =>


Go to the front-end directory and install dependencies

$ cd frontend
$ pnpm install or npm install

create a file called .env.local on the root directory(same as public directory) and set environment valiables

# .env.local

Run the frontend

$ pnpm run dev # make sure to run the back-end first on

Congrates!!! you are done...


Alert for required fields

1 3-required messages

Alert for user created.

2-alert for acc created

Alert for user exists

1 1-user exists messages

Alert for password

1 2-password not matched

Happy Coding