!item {5ring | 10ring | 20ring | shield | magnet | speedshoes | invincibility | 1up | health | bomb} - gives player a chosen item, or a random item
!omochao - spawns an omochao that gives a random hint
!timestop - toggles time stop
!stop - stops player's momentum
!gottagofast - causes the player to shoot forwards in their current direction
!tsafogattog - causes the player to shoot backwards in their current direction
!superjump - causes the player to shoot upwards
!pmujrepus - causes the player to shoot downwards
!win - ends the current level (usable every five minutes real time)
!die - kills the player (usable every five minutes real time)
!bonus {good | nice | great | jammin | cool | radical | tight | awesome | extreme | perfect | number} - gives the player a point bonus
!highgravity - sets gravity strength to 2x
!lowgravity - sets gravity strength to 1/2x
!voice {id} - plays a voice line, or a random one
!music {id} - plays music
!grow - increases the player's size by 2x
!shrink - decreases the player's size by 1/2x
!healboss - heals a character boss by 1 hp
!confuse - confuses the player for 5 seconds
!earthquake - causes an earthquake
!chaokey - toggles the chao key
!water - toggles underwater status
!level {id} - casts a vote for the next level to be played in the story
!event {id} - casts a vote for the next event to be played in the story
!credits - casts a vote for the next story scene to be credits, only selectable once per story
!endstory - casts a vote for the story to end

Level List:
ce: City Escape
bf: Big Foot
wc: Wild Canyon
tve1: Tails Vs Eggman 1
pl: Prison Lane
mha: Metal Harbor
gf: Green Forest
sovsh1: Sonic Vs Shadow 1
ph: Pumpkin Hill
mst: Mission Street
am: Aquatic Mine
r101: Route 101
hb: Hidden Base
pc: Pyramid Cave
dc: Death Chamber
kbb: King Boom Boo
egs: Egg Golem (Sonic)
ee: Eternal Engine
mhe: Meteor Herd
kvr: Knuckles Vs Rouge
cg: Crazy Gadget
tve2: Tails Vs Eggman 2
fr: Final Rush
sovsh2: Sonic Vs Shadow 2
ig: Iron Gate
hs: Hot Shot
dl: Dry Lagoon
so: Sand Ocean
rh: Radical Highway
eq: Egg Quarters
lc: Lost Colony
wb: Weapons Bed
evt1: Eggman Vs Tails 1
sh: Security Hall
fd: Flying Dog
wj: White Jungle
shvso1: Shadow Vs Sonic 1
r280: Route 280
sr: Sky Rail
ege: Egg Golem (Eggman)
msp: Mad Space
rvk: Rouge Vs Knuckles
cw: Cosmic Wall
evt2: Eggman Vs Tails 2
fc: Final Chase
shvso2: Shadow Vs Sonic 2
cc: Cannon's Core
bl: The Biolizard
fh: The FinalHazard
gh: Green Hill

Event List:
Note: In-level cutscenes are not selectable.

Music List:
0: Main Menu
1: Advertise: SA2 the groove
2: Advertise: Rhythmic Passage
3: Stage Select
4: Advertise: Prof.Omochao
5: Dive Into The Mellow ...for Aquatic Mine
6: Boss: -GUN- Mobile
7: Boss: Masters Of The Desert (King Boom Boo)
8: Boss: Masters Of The Desert (Egg Golem)
9: Boss: Suitable Opponent
10: Boss: Shut Up Faker!
11: For True Story ...for Sonic vs. Shadow
12: Supporting Me ...for Biolizard
13: Live & Learn (Loop)
14: Downtown Race
15: Hidden Base 2P
16: Iron Gate 2P
17: Metal Harbor 2P
18: SA2B Opening
19: Grind Race
20: Radical Highway 2P
21: 2P Battle Menu
22: Sand Ocean 2P
23: Weapons Bed 2P
24: White Jungle 2P
25: Dark Garden
26: Hero Garden
27: Chao Garden
28: Chaos Chao Born
29: Dark Chao Hatching
30: Dark Chao Cocooning
31: Hero Chao Hatching
32: Hero Chao Cocooning
33: Hero Chaos Chao Born
34: Chao Mating Dance
35: Chao Died
36: Chao Race Gate Open
37: New Chao Garden Unlocked
38: Radio Song 1
39: Radio Song 2
40: Radio Song 3
41: Radio Song 4
42: Chao TV - Cartoon
43: Chao TV - Drama
44: Chao TV - Sports
45: Chao World Entrance
46: Chao Kindergarten
47: Chao Kindergarten something?
48: Connecting
49: Connection Failed
50: Connection Succeeded/Chao Level Up
51: Dark Chao Song 1
52: Dark Chao Song 2
53: Dark Chao Song 3
54: Hero Chao Song 1
55: Hero Chao Song 2
56: Hero Chao Song 3
57: Chao Stadium Cave
58: New Chao Garden Unlocked
59: Chao Race Goal
60: Beginner Race
61: Challenge Race
62: Hero Race
63: Chao Departure Machine
64: Chao Race Gate Open
65: Dark Race
66: Prize Awarded
67: Jewel Race
68: Continue Screen
69: Chao Karate Champion
70: Chao Race Entry
71: Chao Karate Draw
72: Chao Karate
73: Chao Karate Loss
74: Chao Karate Entry
75: Chao Karate Win
76: Scramble For The Core ...for Cannon's Core ver.1
77: Cooperation ...for Cannon's Core ver.2
78: Deep Inside Of... ...for Cannon's Core ver.3
79: Cannon's Core Waterslide
80: Escape From The City ...for City Escape
81: The Mad Convoy Race ...for City Escape
82: Escape From The City ...for City Escape (alt)
83: Unstable World ...for Crazy Gadget
84: Soarin' Over Space ...for Cosmic Wall
85: Deeper ...for Death Chamber
86: Bright Sound ...for Dry Lagoon
87: Event: Let's Make It!
88: Event: The Base
89: E.G.G.M.A.N. (Hero Cutscene)
90: Event: Strategy
91: Event: Sonic vs. Shadow (Hero)
92: Event: Reunion
93: Event: Revival
94: Throw It All Away (Cutscene)
95: Event: Ambition
96: Event: Operation
97: Event: Reflection
98: E.G.G.M.A.N. (Dark Cutscene)
99: Event: Sonic vs. Shadow (Dark)
100: Event: Madness
101: Event: Super Sonic
102: Event: Chaos Control
103: Event: The Last Scene/Live & Learn
104: Event: The Last Scene
105: SA2 Opening
106: On The Edge ...for Eternal Engine
107: Lovely Gate 3 ...for Egg Quarters
108: The Supernatural ...for Final Chase
109: Highway In The Sky ...for Final Rush
110: Won't Stop, Just Go! ...for Green Forest
111: Green Hill
112: Down In The Base ...for Hidden Base
113: Still Invincible ...No Fear!
114: Item Get Jingle
115: Remember Me? - M.F.M. ...for Iron Gate
116: Chasing Drive ...for Kart
117: Trespasser ...for Lost Colony
118: That's The Way I Like It ...for Metal Harbor
119: Can't Stop, So What!? ...for Metal Harbor
120: Space Trip Steps ...for Meteor Herd
121: 34ºN, 12ºE ...for Mad Space
122: Rumbling HWY ...for Mission Street
123: Congratulations!
124: Keys The Ruin ...for Pyramid Cave
125: A Ghost's Pumpkin Soup ...for Pumpkin Hill
126: This Way Out ...for Prison Lane
127: Level Clear
128: Vengeance Is Mine ...for Radical Highway
129: Hey You! It's Time to Speed Up Again!
130: I'm A Spy ...for Security Hall
131: Way To The Base ...for Sand Ocean
132: Mr.Unsmiley ...for Sky Rail
133: Throw It All Away (Full)
134: It Doesn't Matter (Full)
135: I Wanna Fly High (Instrumental Loop 1)
136: Fly In The Freedom (Vocal Loop 1)
137: E.G.G.M.A.N. (Instrumental Loop)
138: Unknown From M.E. (Vocal Loop 1)
139: I Wanna Fly High (Instrumental Loop 2)
140: Throw It All Away (Instrumental Loop)
141: Unknown From M.E. (Instrumental Loop)
142: Fly In The Freedom (Vocal Loop 2)
143: It Doesn't Matter (Instrumental Loop)
144: My Sweet Passion (Vocal Loop)
145: E.G.G.M.A.N. (Vocal Loop)
146: Unknown From M.E. (Vocal Loop 2)
147: I Wanna Fly High (Vocal Loop)
148: Fly In The Freedom (Vocal Loop 3)
149: Throw It All Away (Vocal Loop)
150: It Doesn't Matter (Vocal Loop)
151: Drowning Timer
152: Title Screen
153: Crush'em All ...for Weapons Bed
154: Kick the Rock! ...for Wild Canyon
155: Rhythm and Balance ...for White Jungle
156: Chao Goodbye