
Feature request: trendoffset or trendrange

Opened this issue · 1 comments

It would be nice to be able to do the trendline just for some part or range of the data.

In my case just for the last 10 elements. I did a quick hack and implemented a trendoffset parameter.
If > 0 it skips the first n elements, if < 0 it uses the last n elements.

The patch alters the firstIndex initialisation accordingly.
My code looks like this:
let fitter = new LineFitter();

// implement trendoffset paramater, alters firstIndex.
let trendoffset = dataset.trendlineLinear.trendoffset || 0;
if(Math.abs(trendoffset) >= trendoffset = 0;
let firstIndex = ((trendoffset<0)? + trendoffset + => {
    return d !== undefined && d !== null;

let lastIndex = - 1;


The config looks like this:
trendlineLinear: {
trendoffset: -10,

I missed to post a modified line above. The forEach loop needs to skipp till firstIndex is reached, so it looks like this:, index) => {
        if (data == null || index < firstIndex) return;