
Method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type

m7mdra opened this issue · 6 comments


I'm using latest version of the library 4.1.0

everything went smoothly until i tried to use mock i get this error

Method cannot be declared open because its parameter uses an internal type

marking mocked protocol and classes as public resolve the issue but i don't know if is intended to work this way its a bug

swiftymocky doctor

✅  XCode project found at: /Users/user12/Desktop/project1/project1.xcodeproj

1. Inspecting tools dependencies:
  ✅  Mint available
  ✅  Sourcery is available through Mint
  ⚠️  Mint does not yet have matching Sourcery version installed.
  Required Sourcery version would be installed upon first generation. It might take a bit more time

2. Inspecting Mockfile:
  ✅  Mockfile exists
  ✅  Mockfile contains mocks definitions

3. Linting 'project1Tests' mock:
  ✅  Output file exists
  ✅  Mock defines targets correctly
  ✅  All targets include './project1Tests/Mock.generated.swift' file.
  ✅  Sources are defined correctly
  ✅  Testable imports are defined
  ✅  Imports are defined

it shows a warning Mint does not yet have matching Sourcery version installed. but i dont it is relevant to my problem

thanks in advance.

@m7mdra could you please switch to brew:

README is pending update to include this: #320

Thank you, i found a solution long time ago but forgot to close the issue, thanks again.

I got the same problem, @m7mdra what was your solution?

hey @VilemKurz , it was a long time ago since i worked on that project where i encountered the issue.
maybe if you could show me part of your code where the issue occur... maybe i can help.

maybe also try to follow @spaluchiewicz comment.

I tried to reinstall using brew, same issue. To reproduce the problem

  1. have internal protocol, with method/properties which use internal types in their signature, marked as mockable
  2. generate mocks
  3. bug: the generated method is public. But types in its signature are internal. Thus, xcode spits the error - title of this issue.

OK i will try to reproduce the problem and cross compare it with my project.